Monday, April 21, 2014

Stunning Porcelain Sculpture by Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontyev

The duo of two Ukrainian artists Anya Stasenko and Slava Leontyev can be proud for a very popular type of creation. And that’s not because of their profession choice, it’s because of how they approach the work: with imagination and desire to make something really special.
Despite the fact that they have an education related to graphics and which has nothing to do with ceramics, it turns out just fine. At the same time, Slava and Anya don’t consider themselves to be ceramists because they chose ceramics just by accident. And they had chosen it only because it is simpler to work with then metal and glass. The sizes of the sculptures usually does not exceed the range between 4 and 40 centimeters. However, the authors think this is only a matter of time, and in a shortly they’ll move to bigger forms.