Sunday, April 27, 2014

CD Art

I had a stack of old CDs lying around. For a long time I was planning to reuse them for a different purpose but I had no clue. Then one day while I was surfing on the Internet I found an interesting idea to convert these into great artwork that can be put up on the walls. I liked this idea because I thought it was very easy to do, just few simple steps. The final product turns out to be pretty good.

How to do it...?

Step #1:

  • Things Needed
  • Any old CD
  • Acrylic color (preferably dark color)
  • Paint brush
  • Pencil
  • Anything with sharp point to scratch the color (I used a screwdriver.)

Step #2:

  • Apply Paint
  • The shiny side of the CD shows rainbow colors when light falls on it. We are going to use this side.
  • Apply the acrylic color on the shiny side. Here I have used a black color. Make sure you have a thick layer of this color so that it becomes easy to scratch the color later.
  • Leave it to dry.

Step #3:

  • Draw a Design
  • Draw your favorite design on the colored side.

Step #4:

  • Scratch the design
  • With the help of a screwdriver scratch the color along the outline of the design. Try not to scratch very hard otherwise you’ll damage the shiny coating.
  • You may also want to scratch the inside of the design to make it more interesting.

Step #5:

  • Stick it on the wall
  • Put the finished CD art on the wall using blue-tac.

Step #6:

Thats all.... Don't miss to go to this Good Source Website...