Sunday, July 12, 2015

This Abandoned Sicilian Town is Giving away Free Houses

Gangi is an almost entirely abandoned Sicilian town, and it’s giving away houses for free. Gangi is a picturesque central town surrounded by the Madonie Mountains. Seems to good to be true? Well there is a catch off-course, most buildings are neglected and dilapidated.

The offer smells like fresh opportunity, luring in dozens of holiday home hunters from all over the world. Exactly what the Comune di Gangi is trying to reach, breathe life back into this ghost town.

“Those who will be assigned the free houses have to bear the expenses for the transfer of ownership and must undertake to present the project of renovation of the property within one year of purchase and complete renovations within three years.”Comune di Gangi
So you have roughly 4 years to complete your own DIY dream project. How awesome is this.